Wednesday, October 10, 2007

US garners support for strike on Iran

US garners support for strike on Iran

"You cannot be English Jews. We are a race, and only as a race can we perpetuate. Our mentality is of a Hebraic character, and differs from that of an Englishman. Enough subterfuges! Let us assert openly that we are International Jews." - Gerald Soman, Chairman of the World Jewry Fellowship, in its official manifesto, January 1, 1935.

--- In, "bruceksim" wrote:


Cheers Bruce

--- In, "Jodie" wrote:
Re: US garners support for strike on Iran

Uh... Bruce... And just WHO the hell are YOU.... GOD ??
You and others of your kind play God... !! You parrot the lies and deceit of false leaders... mouthing the lies of the Deciders of which countries, governments, and peoples may live or be wiped off the face of the earth... !!

Who the hell gave YOU the right to decide the Fate of other peoples and other countries ?? You play little tin god, a little dictator sitting at his computer spouting obscenities to others.... "pieces of shit, pieces of dog vomit, and donkies." You never have anything constructive to offer.

As moderator of this group and a peaceful human being, I become tired and nauseated by this sameo-sameo crap. I also don't take too kindly to Taxi's name calling of people "who deserve the gas chamber"... !!

I would have the members of FAN show greater respect for each other and other people.


--- In, "mamubhi" wrote:Re: US garners support for strike on Iran

Dr. Munzer and history supports Austro!

"We Jews have spoiled the blood of all the races of Europe. Taken as a whole, everything is Jewdified. Our ideas animate everything. Our spirit reigns over the world. We are the Lords." - Dr. Kurt Munzer, The Way to Zion.

--- In, "bruceksim" wrote:

I also support the liberation of iran after our successfull liberation of both Iraq and Afghanistan. I think we should keep going until islamo-fascist theocracies are just a vile memory!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "austro_bangla" wrote:Re: US garners support for strike on Iran

The Zionist criminal Bernard Kouchner is one of a few supporter of Iraq invasion. Incidentally his father is a Jewish and he has been hiding under the French identity to cover his real face! I suppose this is just a co-incidence and not a relevant factor in his blatant desire to attack Iran in order to secure Israel.

If Kouchner gets his way then the poor French will join the queue with the Yanks and they too will fight and die like dogs!

--- In, "bruceksim" wrote:

A billion muslims!!! And still they keep getting their arses kicked!! Hopeless or perhaps god is not on their side!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "union_faruque" wrote:Re: US garners support for strike on Iran

The worldwide Zionist vendetta against Iran, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Libya, Lebanon and more than billion Muslims are proving again and again, "the zionists are unfit for animal consumption and therefore they must volunteer themselves to the nearest gas chamber".

--- In, "bruceksim" wrote:

I hope this is correct!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "union_faruque" wrote:
Re: US garners support for strike on Iran

Further to Our Moral Rights, American Duty and Missing Nukes and Bin Laden it is paramount that Iraq pullout would hurt Israel and Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel before anything else!

Right noiw US garners support for strike on Iran should be a cause of concern to all of us.

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Anne Davies Herald Correspondent in WashingtonOctober 2, 2007

AUSTRALIA, Britain and Israel have reportedly "expressed interest" in a US campaign to launch surgical bombing raids on Iran targeting Revolutionary Guard Corps facilities.

A report in The New Yorker by the journalist Seymour Hersh said the Bush Administration had stopped trying to justify a campaign against Iran on the basis of curtailing Iran's nuclear ambitions. It is instead redefining the war in Iraq as a strategic battle between the US and Iran.

Hersh said the bombing plan has had its most positive reception from Britain's Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. While Hersh did not mention Australia in the article, he told CNN: "There have been expressions of interest from Australia, and other countries. The Israelis, of course, have gone bananas. They're very upset about the idea of not going … They want us to go. And they want us to hit hard."

The Minister for Defence, Brendan Nelson, was in the US a month ago for briefings with defence officials and a meeting with the US Defence Secretary, Robert Gates. Dr Nelson told reporters at the time that he had discussed Iran, but declined to elaborate.

A spokesman for Dr Nelson declined to comment yesterday.

A spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Minister, Alexander Downer, referred to his comments in New York last week after a meeting with the Iranian Foreign Minister, and said the position had not changed.

He said Iran needed to be put under pressure by the UN Security Council, but consideration should also be given to other measures such as financial sanctions.

Hersh said the revised bombing plan, with its tightened focus on counter-terrorism, was gathering support among the generals and admirals in the Pentagon who had been apprehensive about an earlier, broader plan to bomb Iran.

"The strategy calls for the use of sea-launched cruise missiles and more precisely targeted ground attacks and bombing strikes, including plans to destroy the most important Revolutionary Guard training camps supply depots and command-and-control facilities," Hersh wrote. He said there were also plans to hit Iran's anti-aircraft surface-to-air missile sites.

He said a Pentagon consultant on counter-terrorism had told him that if the bombing campaign took place, it would be accompanied by a series of what he called "short, sharp incursions" by American Special Forces into suspected Iranian training sites.

Sources have told the Herald the plan is likely to be put into action only if there were significant US casualties in Iraq that could be attributed to Iranian activity. Hersh also floats this scenario, suggesting a significant attack on American servicemen from across the border could trigger US action.

Hersh pointed to a speech made by the US President, George Bush, in August to the American Legion in which Mr Bush said: "The attacks on our bases and our troops by Iranian-supplied munitions have increased … The Iranian regime must halt these actions, and until it does I will take actions necessary to protect our troops.
"I have authorised our military commanders in Iraq to confront Tehran's murderous activities."

But since then Mr Bush has made a number of other comments suggesting that the Administration may still be hopeful of a diplomatic solution, and in recent weeks has prevailed upon France to assist in dealing with Tehran.

In response to the Hersh article, a White House spokeswoman, Dana Perino, said: "The President believes this issue can be solved diplomatically. And the Administration is working with the international community through the United Nations Security Council, plus Germany to bring diplomatic measures to bear on Iran to put an end to its enrichment and reprocessing activities."

But Hersh's article detailed conversations with numerous sources in the Department of Defence, the CIA and former Administration officials who have heard talk of the strike plans and who claim the option is gaining momentum.

Source: Free America Now

Thursday, September 20, 2007

American Duty

American Duty

Further to Our Moral Rights please examine the followings.

1. Poor Americans must identify the motive and people behind the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq.
2. People of America must identify motive(s) and identity of people like Zionist Paul Bremmar, General Jay Garner and others who deliberately and willfully destroyed the Iraqi police, municipality, army, air force, navy and other Iraqi institutions during their first six months of CPA administration.
3. All Americans must genuinely investigate reason(s) and identities of people who managed to convert Iraq from a:
a. Secular population to fanatically religious one,
b. Peaceful nation to a violent one,
c. Stable society to a refugee society and
d. Affluent society to a bottomless basket!

If Americans can truly and accurately investigate these items listed above, only then there may be a hope to free Americans! Else, they are doomed!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Zionised Marrickville Council

Zionised Marrickville Council

Zionism is worse than Nazism. Yet, some Marrickville Councilors and staffs are muzzled by the Zionist forces. They do not tolerate any creative and tasty stickers like “Free Palestine”, “Stop Genocide in Iraq” or “Stop Bush”! However, they are very tolerant of commercial stickers and posters, even though many of them are causing environmental, visual and moral pollution!

I suppose these people love to support the existence of a “gaming reserve” like the occupied Palestine where the Zionist forces have imprisoned millions of women and children and murdering them at any time with anything including F18s, Apache helicopters, tanks, machine guns, starvation, frustration, suffocation, ….. Possibly, they have been doing so to take revenge of the European atrocities towards their ancestors in the past despite the fact that the poor Arabs and Muslims used to protect them!

I also wonder what type of sane people would support genocide in any countries of the world and welcome a TERRORIST leader like George Bush?

Adelaide IMC

Monday, August 27, 2007

Jomby West of the Housing Commission Mansion

Jomby West of the Housing Commission Mansion

You are a professional bankrupt and teamed up with another one of your type. You have been sitting in the Housing Commission Mansion and bludging on the rest. What have you achieved in your life apart from spewing racist and sectarian filths? Nothing!

Don’t you get too excited! Your spiritual leader Adolph Hitler used to have a plan to take over the whole world! Where is he now? Look at the hyper powered super power’s leader “Adolph Bush” and his act of terrorism in Iraq! He is exposed and loosing. You will face the similar fate too.

Your cult leader manipulated Yahoo for while. Yahoo will wake up and things will be fine.

By the way Jomby, if you know your father and if you are correct, then why don’t you and your cult leader debate any issue with me at any forum instead of hiding behind racist and fascist “moderation” and other types of cowardly actions?

Oh, please try to answer Disgusting Australian Values and Exposing a Criminal (Michael Jools) if you can!

--- In, "Cabbie Rights" wrote:

I have not read anything so hilarious for a long time.It seems Yahoo has had enough of Farouque Ahmed. Well Done Yahoo!The reasons given by Yahoo speak for themselves.Now all that remains is to terminate Farouque's membership of the NSWTDAI would like to buy the people behind this a dinky di Aussie pint of beer.

Jimmy West.

Source: ozcabs

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Keating in Howard

Keating in Howard Hitler jibe

Submit comment
July 12, 2007 12:14pm

PRIME Minister John Howard says he feels sorry for Paul Keating, after the former Labor PM compared Howard's political views to Adolf Hitler.

Mr Keating last night described Prime Minister John Howard as a divisive nationalist, likening his political philosophy to that of the German dictator.

"I'm a nationalist, I'm a patriot, I'm a believer and I feel sorry for Mr Keating, he ought to get on with life," Mr Howard said today.

In a speech at a Sydney Film School function, the former prime minister dispelled any Liberal hopes he might become their new secret weapon.

Mr Keating said Mr Howard, like Hitler, was a nationalist, not a patriot.

"Nationalism is . . . a dangerous and divisive tendency," Mr Keating said, adding that such political philosophy was "arguably more exclusionary than racism".

He said the Howard Government was no different to Australia's ultra-conservative Country Party that spawned it.

"Different families of leopards, but always with the same spots," he said.

The man who led Australia from 1991 to 1996 said nationalists had effectively hijacked Gallipoli, which had "fuelled the nationalist movement for the last nine decades".

Recalling Mr Howard's "We decide who comes here and the circumstances in which they come" election slogan, Mr Keating also blamed the Government's nationalism for the dire state of Australian arts.

"That's what's wrong with the arts - it's not money, it's the environment," he said.

The remarks will relax Labor officials who recently had to hose down Mr Keating's typically brutal assessment of his former party as "gutless".

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Legs are NOT Open for Business

Legs are NOT Open for Business

The illustrious Prime Minister of Australia misused and abused anti-Terror legislations and conspired a strip search of New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clerk to make Israel happy. He has used the same trick with the Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare and still Michael is kicking arses for this incidence.

Philip Ruddock, the filthy Attorney General of Australia `virtually' asked his daughter to open her legs for Israeli child molester for power as demonstrated in credible links of Legs are Open for Business.

Links of Legs are Open for Business demonstrate these disgusting acts! Surprise! Surprise, mighty government of Australia got so much respect for free speech, now this blog is under attack.

However, the same government encourages anti-Muslim and anti-Arab filths of all kind, under the guise of free speech!

Thursday, July 5, 2007
Legs are Open for Business

Further to Australian Values, My response to Dolly of 2GB (Sydney’s hate machine) and Racist and Blind Alan Fisher of England please examine the following should you wish.The Strip Search of New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clerk and father and daughter episode was covered up nicely by the Zionised media of Australia including Lord Downer of Baghdad! The story, legs are open for business and the Brazilian connection are good enough for this time.Have a nice day any way.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ayaan Hirshi Ali

Ayaan Hirshi Ali

Ayaan Hirshi Ali was taken on by the Labour Party of Holland when she started her political career based on lies, prejudice and bigotry. September the 11th happened, Holland moved to the right. Today, Islam and Arab bashing are the most popular sports in the town!

60 % of the Dutch voted for the “far right politician” Pim Fortyn. Pim Fortyn was shot by an animal activist and not by an Islamite. Hirshi Ayaan Ali is the biggest ally of Minister Rita Verdonk, the very right winged politician like Pim Fortyn. Minister Verdonk is responsible for sending back many asylum seekers and has given their governments the reports on why they applied for asylum. This is illegal and is dangerous for the people who are send back. Several of them have been killed. Verdonk denied sending any reports until some journalist came up with evidence. Rita had no choice than admitting it. Verdonk want now to send back Iranian asylum seekers who are homosexual, knowing that they are going to be killed.

American Enterprise Institute and many zionised and neo-con organizations are behind Ayaan from the day one. Aggressive and lunatic Theo van Gogh is a chain smoking, heavy drinking, cocaine using person despised by most Dutch and decent people around the world. People used to ask him, “why do you make mokumentary based on lies”? He response used to be, “everyone knows I am a lunar park clown and no one takes me seriously”. Most of the Dutch people are happy that Ayaan was kicked out from the Dutch Parliament and they do not want her back in their country.

Anyway, he was killed by an misguided 18 yeas old youth and not as a result of a huge conspiracy organised by ‘violent Muslims’. Sadly, such a killing gave Theo virtual sainthood to some level and obviously no one supports such a killing. Yet, predictable section of the world media and powerbrokers are using this incident to demonise Muslims and elevating this professional liar and bigot Ayaan into sainthood.

In old days, they used to load people to send them in “Crusades”. The result is undeniable and well known – the unnecessary and avoidable death and destruction in the name of religion. To day, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ershad Manji and Salman Rushdie are used to demonise Muslims and Arabs. Why is it so? Is it to make Israel look good?

Critic of Islam is exposed on claim of asylum and the love child of Adolph Hitler’s predictable praise should ring the alarm bell. Here a Muslim is Guilty for holding a placard but in Denmark these peoples are not guilty for depicting Muslims and their prophet as terrorists! Ironically, the same kinds of freedom lovers love to fight everyone and prevent us all from telling us the truth. They want to ban Al-Jazeera for debating issues like Zionism and Anti-Semitism, Zionism is worse than Nazism and If Americans Knew. Where is the consistency may I ask?

Surely Israeli Holocaust, Holocaust continuum, The Iron Wall, A list of UN Resolutions against "Israel" and The Holocaust as political asset are the real issues. Iraq pullout would hurt Israel, Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel and the Middle East Formula for Peace along with The Green Zone Follies are a few good examples to prove "Who control America"? Obviously, the answer is Israelis control America and these are only a few good examples to pin point the undeniable fact who really controls America and why the poor Americans are dying like dogs and cats for Israel!

The Brutal Zionist Role in the Holocaust, BEN-GURION'S SCANDALS, Zionism Data Page, Palestinian Holocaust in the Holy Land, Oil, Israel and Iraq, ZIONIST WAR CRIME REPARATIONS 'ISRAEL MUST PAY THE PRICE, Naturalized Chinaman and They Thought They Were Free for your enlightenment.

Ayaan Hirshi Ali

Ayaan Hirshi Ali was taken on by the Labour Party of Holland when she started her political career based on lies, prejudice and bigotry. September the 11th happened, Holland moved to the right. Today, Islam and Arab bashings are the most popular sports in the town!

60 % of the Dutch voted for the “far right politician” Pim Fortyn. Pim Fortyn was shot, by an animal activist and not by an Islamite.

Hirshi Ayaan Ali is the biggest ally of Minister Rita Verdonk, the very right winged politician like Pim Fortyn. Minister Verdonk is responsible for sending back many asylum seekers and has given their governments the reports on why they applied for asylum. This is illegal and is dangerous for the people who are send back. Several of them have been killed. Verdonk denied sending any reports until some journalist came up with evidence. Rita had no choice than admitting it. Verdonk want now to send back Iranian asylum seekers who are homosexual, knowing that they are going to be killed.

American Enterprise Institute and many zionised and neo-con organizations are behind Ayaan from the day one.

The aggressive and lunatic Theo van Gogh is a chain smoking, heavy drinking, cocaine using person despised by most Dutch and decent people around the world. People used to ask him, “why do you make mokumentary based on lies”? He response used to be, “evryone knows I am a lunar park clown and no one takes me seriously”. Most of the Dutch people are happy that Ayaan was kicked out from the Dutch Parliament and they do not want her back in their country.

Anyway, he was killed by an misguided 18 yeas old youth and not as a result of a huge conspiracy organised by ‘violent Muslims’. Sadly, such a killing gave Theo virtual sainthood to some level and obviously no one supports such a killing. Yet, predictable section of the world media and powerbrokers are using this incident to demonise Muslims and elivating this professional liar and biggot Ayaan into sainthood.

In old days, they usd to load people to send them in “Crusades”. The result is undeniable and well-known – the unnecesary and avoidable death and destruction in the name of religion. To day, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ershad Manji and Salman Rushdie are used to demonise Muslims and Arabs. Why is it so? Is it to make Israel look good?

Here a Muslim is Guilty for holding a placard but in Denmark these peoples are not guilty for depicting Muslims and their prophet as terrorists! Ironically, the same kinds of freedom loversZionism and Anti-Semitism, Zionism is worse than Nazism and If Americans Knew. Where is the consistency may I ask?
love to fight everyone and prevent us all from telling us the truth. They want to ban Al-Jazeera for debating issues like

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Why do they deserve gas chamber?

Why do they deserve gas chamber?

Zionism and Anti-Semitism, Zionism is worse than Nazism, The Brutal Zionist Role in the Holocaust, BEN-GURION'S SCANDALS, Zionism Data Page, Palestinian Holocaust in the Holy Land, Oil, Israel and Iraq, ZIONIST WAR CRIME REPARATIONS 'ISRAEL MUST PAY THE PRICE, Naturalized Chinaman and They Thought They Were Free for your enlightenment.

If Americans Knew, Israeli Holocaust, Holocaust continuum, The Iron Wall, A list of UN Resolutions against "Israel" and The Holocaust as political asset are the real issues. Iraq pullout would hurt Israel, Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel and the Middle East Formula for PeaceThe Green Zone Follies are a few good examples to prove "Who control America"? Obviously, the answer is Israelis control America and these are only a few good examples to pin point who really controls America and why the poor Americans are dying like dogs and cats for Israel!

Muslim Guilty for Role At Protest of Cartoons and Denmark Challenging a Religious Taboo but CJC claims, " Al-Jazeera contravenes Canada's core values"! May I ask, who is maintaining taboo under what ground?

Do they require any evidence in support of their false and ill-motivated claims? Have they ever being prosecuted for their false and manufactured insults to other race or religions? These are the same people who brought dejection unto themselves for their own racism and fascism. Remember, the Zionism is older than Nazism. The Nazis found out and borrowed many dirty tricks and techniques from the Zionists and therefore in many ways, the Zionists are responsible for Hitler's atrocities.
along with

Naturalized Chinaman

Naturalized Chinaman

Do they require any evidence in support of their false and ill-motivated claims? Have they ever being prosecuted for their false and manufactured insults to other race or religions like the attack below? These are the same people who brought dejection unto themselves for their own racism and fascism. Remember, the Zionism is older than Nazism. The Nazis found out and borrowed many dirty tricks and techniques from the Zionists and therefore in many ways, the Zionists are responsible for Hitler's atrocities.

Zionism and Anti-Semitism, Zionism is worse than Nazism, The Brutal Zionist Role in the Holocaust, BEN-GURION'S SCANDALS, Zionism Data Page, Palestinian Holocaust in the Holy Land, Oil, Israel and Iraq, ZIONIST WAR CRIME REPARATIONS 'ISRAEL MUST PAY THE PRICE and They Thought They Were Free for your enlightenment.

CJC claims, " Al-Jazeera contravenes Canada's core values" but Muslim Guilty for Role At Protest of Cartoons and printing of anti-Muslim cartoons do not! What a blatant hypocrisy!

--- In, "bruceksim" wrote:And islamo-fascist scum are dying in their thousands in the name of a silly cult founded by a paedophile!! Cheers Bruce

--- In, "union_faruque" wrote:Re: Naturalized Chinaman

Blatant prejudice and bigotry of a zio-nazi under the guise of atheist is good enough to say, they deserve the nearest gas chamber. If Americans Knew, Israeli Holocaust, Holocaust continuum, The Iron Wall, A list of UN Resolutions against "Israel" and The Holocaust as political asset are the real issues. Iraq pullout would hurt Israel, Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel and the Middle East Formula for Peace along with The Green Zone Follies are a few good examples to prove "Who control America"? Obviously, the answer is Israelis control America and these are only a few good examples to pin point who really controls America and why the poor Americans are dying like dogs and cats for Israel!

--- In, "Jodie" wrote:
Re: Naturalized Chinaman

--- In, "bruceksim" wrote:> Rascist, bigottwd crap!!

Bruce, that letter was to Lou Dobbs of CNN... and the comments in the letter speak the truth.
I generally don't get into discussions concerning Israel and the elite, powerful, wealthy Jews in America and their control of the U.S. But it's a FACT that the Jews control the U.S. government, the economy, the media, and the minds of most of the American people. What would we have done without the movies of Cecil B. DeMille and David Spielberg?

Jewish control of America is not only a FACT... but it is also a dangerous phenomenon in our society that the American people should be fighting. No one knows how to fight it, nor do they even try. The Jews have taken over America without firing a shot. They are unstoppable. How ?? Why ?? That old saying... "You will never see a broke Jew" is true. The Jews have a basically simple financial system built on intelligence that they follow. They finance each other !! And it works.

In part, the war in Iraq is an actual war between Israel and the Middle East, with the U.S. doing the fighting for and protection of Israel. The American people are paying the price for the Israeli - Iraq War. The Israelites were run out of their country once, but the U.S. set them up again. A grave error. The countries of the Middle East continue their ancient war against the Jews. The Middle East is invading western cultures with their sheer numbers and use of sporadic, uncivilized terrorism.

Which one will win?? Israel or the Middle East? Being an arm-chair analyst, I would say that, if the Middle East would unify itself into one nation with one major leader and get its shit together… the Middle East would have the upper hand. The Middle East has the money and the resources, but they fight petty civil wars amongst each other and their rabid, backward religion gets in the way. They are at least 200 years behind modern civilization, and are easy pickings for big shot countries like the U.S. with its eye always on imperialistic conquests. Give it up Muslims !! You're going backwards !! If the people of the ME ever smarten up and unite as a modern civilization… The United Middle East… Look out Israel and the western allies they control !! That might be the Ultimate World War !!


--- In, "bruceksim" wrote:It will be around as long as islamo-fascist are around!! But they are going to paradise in great numbers so they will not be around long. Cheers Bruce

--- In, "union_faruque" wrote:Re: Naturalized Chinaman

Racism and bigotry will reduce from this world (if not disappear entirely) if the most racist and fascist state, Israel ceases to exist in saving decent Jews and humanity.

--- In, "bruceksim" wrote:Rascist, bigottwd crap!! Cheers Bruce

From: Deon Masker
To: Lou Dobbs
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:06 PM
Subject: Naturalized Chinaman

Dear Lou,

Now that a naturalized Chinaman has been convicted of being a foreign agent of a hostile foreign nation, we'd better stop and think about this. Many of our Congressmen, many of the top leaders in the IRS, many of the top State Department leaders AND the "total controllers" of the media ARE Jews.

All of these individuals support and defend the ADL, (Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith) and many are members of AIPAC, another total Zionist group.

It has been well documented that Israel is a hostile nation to the world and Jews in high positions all across America are hostile agents of a foreign power, so how do we get them convicted and deported in order to protect the White, gentile, middle-class of America?

See for more information.

Richard Masker

Source: Free America Now

Muslim Guilty for Role At Protest of Cartoons

Muslim Guilty for Role At Protest of Cartoons
Sunday, January 7, 2007; Page A15

LONDON -- A British Muslim who led a crowd in chants of "Bomb, bomb Denmark, bomb, bomb USA" at protests last year of cartoons of the prophet Muhammad has been found guilty of incitement to murder, officials reported Saturday.

Umran Javed, 27, was a leader of a Feb. 3 rally held outside the Danish Embassy in London, prosecutor David Perry said. Javed, who faces a jail sentence, said he had been caught up in the moment. "They were just slogans, sound bites," he testified. British television had broadcast images of the protesters carrying signs with slogans such as "Europe, your 9/11 will come" and "Behead the one who insults the prophet."

The protests followed the publication, in Danish and other European newspapers, of cartoons that depicted the prophet wearing a bomb-shaped turban or clutching a dagger.

Muslim Guilty for Role At Protest of Cartoons